PTFE hoses

PTFE hoses do not only have an excellent chemical resistance, but are also smell- and tasteless what makes them FDA approved. Because of a low frictioncoefficient, media will not attach to the hose wall.

Other charecteristics: anti-static, UV resistant, fireproof, age resistant, good isolator, flexible

- medium and high pressure hoses with smooth (1/8" to 4") or corrugated (1/4" to 6") innerlining
- Braid: 304L/316L, polypropylene, PVDF, hastelloy, monel, kevlar
- Special hose coating: EPDM, silicone, glass fibre silicone, heat-shrinkable tubing
- Electrical heated (tracng) or steam heated hoses
- anti-kink spiral
- vacuüm spiral
- compansators

We can fit these hoses with any possible coupling (galvanized, stainless steel, ptfe-lined)


Ideal for gas, steam, cryogenic media